Dylan and his faces Leina um yeah Chum he wanted to try face mask like us sweet fishy going to get eaten Kento's prized fish Emi and Ami made lots of briads bow man mommy do I hav to keep walking I made chocolate sauce for pancake and this is what happens Emi chan outside onsen Derek was really excited they just love each other tooo much scared Leina a gun hanabi happy Chum sweet Baba the happy married couple Jesse and Mika girls night out At Mika's place Honky Tonk This is what happens when ur in a car tooo long cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese Derek and Bella I like Totoro;) don't ask what the boys are doing trying to get a family shot take two mmmmmmmmmm home made jam big brother sweeties the three goof balls water pump sweet Shun came with us two little monkeys hiking day so free Derek checking mushrooms growing on horse poop